Limiting participant numbers at project level
Nicole Gibson
Currently, project participant limits are at the experience level, which we realized may not always work best, but at a project level would be ideal. Ideally, when submitting a project, employers would indicate how many participants they want on their project (within the range of what the experience allows) and then they would be limited to accepting that many applications.
Emily Masching
Emily Masching
under review
Emily Masching
Nicole Gibson to clarify, you're looking to have the ability to agree on a limit of participants per project in the match request process? Then instead of the participant limit per project being the same experience-wide, this would be a different number per matched project and would be enforced at the match level?
This is possible, but all the different limits we build are a pretty significant development effort, and adding another field to the match request process will add complexity for employers. We may have room to do this in Q2 onwards this year, but I need an idea of when this is needed in order to have impact, and what the impact is for your team. Thanks!
Nicole Gibson
Emily Masching Ideally, we could add this to when they are creating projects to better understand the scope that they are looking for (if they feel it needs 2 or 4 students for example, changes the scope). But also the match request period would also make sense if that makes more sense in the reality of the rest of the platform.
I think the largest impact is on experiences that use the limited application tool your team recently built. The issue with the limit being at experience level is that any projects that didnt accept 4 apps, because they didnt need that many students, then had to manually cancel remaining applications which they didn't do, which meant those applications stayed pending and students did not know the project was full/to apply to another project.
I very much understand the ask being a big one, but I think that the impact would be fairly great specifically for AdON and LevelUp as we utilize the limited application feature. LU is about to start (Feb) and AdONs next cohort begins in April. Those would be ideal to have this ready for, but I also understand if its not possible, and we can try to improve our employer comms so they understand that they need to cancel apps once they are full
Emily Masching
Nicole Gibson Unfortunately it won't be possible by April, but I will see if it can be prioritized a little earlier than I was originally thinking.
Nicole Gibson
This came about because of the latest AdON cohort.
We asked employers at the match request level to let us know how many participants they thought their project needed so that we could have accurate counts of how many projects we likely needed. What we found was that because students were limited to 3 applications, once an employer hit 2 participants, which they said was all they needed, applications remained pending for those who continued to apply. This is not the case when an employer brought on 4 students (the limit) because applications were then auto-cancelled.
Ideally, employers would indicate that their project only needed 2 spots and after they filled up 2 spots the rest of the apps would be auto-cancelled ensuring that students continued to look for projects with open spaces.
Happy to discuss this more if this isnt making sense!